The 4th October took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting, IESE updated WP6 partners on the discussion with WP5 partners CNR. WP6 partner CNR presented their progress conducting an A/B comparison for the ICT gateway use case. Further discussions for organizing input towards D6.4 were planned between CNR, RES and IESE. RES discussed an open point regarding D2.3 and finally 7Bulls provided a clarification of their usage of the Blockchain technology.
In the meeting, IESE updated WP6 partners on the discussion with WP5 partners CNR. The discussion clarified the responsibility and potential integration points between the ConSerts concept proposed by IESE for WP6 and the Auditing Framework’s monitoring features. 4 initial points of integration were identified, and the partners agreed on focusing first towards providing ConSerts as development-time models that could be used as input for the Auditing Framework. At a later stage, runtime monitoring components generated by the ConSerts models could be considered for further exploitation.
In the meeting, WP6 partner CNR presented their progress conducting an A/B comparison for the ICT gateway use case. 4 possible attack scenarios were discussed, and potential components to be replicated as part of applying intrusion tolerance were identified. Further discussions for organizing input towards D6.4 were planned between CNR, RES and IESE. RES discussed an open point regarding D2.3, with 7Bulls agreeing to include their tool in a corresponding figure. 7Bulls also provided a clarification of their usage of the Blockchain technology as being limited to providing a building block for their own tool.