The 6th December took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting IESE summarized the status of T6.3 and D6.4. Additional enhancements to the T6.3 activities and further work were discussed. 7Bulls updated on the status of their tool and use case, and discussed with RES how to finalize the modelling in Resilblockly.
In the final meeting of the year, IESE begun by discussing the status of T6.3 and specifically D6.4. The first version of D6.4 was completed, and was currently under internal review by other BIECO partners. Additional enhancements to the T6.3 activities and further work were discussed as well. Beyond T6.3, modeling of the AI financial investment use case system in ResilBlockly was performed by 7Bulls, with additional discussion with RES being agreed upon.
In the meeting, the review meeting and demonstration of the BIECO technical progress were discussed. Planning for the autonomous navigation use case was discussed, with RES being interested in supporting the use case owner UNI with modeling in the relevant systems in Resilblockly. Regarding T6.3, IESE summarized the status of T6.3 and D6.4, which was reviewed, completed, and submitted on time by the project coordinator. Regarding T6.4, 7B updated on the status of their tool and use case, and discussed with RES how to finalize the modelling in Resilblockly.