Monitoring Tool

Monitoring Tool  Coordinated byCNR The monitoring tool is an infrastructure in charge of setting up and managing a monitoring component. It is based on event messages and enables the collection of complex events. Description Describe the innovation content of the...

Security Testing Tool

Security Testing Tool  Coordinated byCNR GdpR-based cOmbinatOrial Testing (GROOT) is a general combinatorial strategy for testing systems managing GDPR’s concepts (e.g., Data Subject, Personal Data or Controller). Description Describe the innovation content of the...

Domain Specific Language

Domain Specific Language Coordinated byIESE The domain specific language enables specification of digital twin behaviour in a manner that can enable a predicted evaluation of its trustworthy behaviour in a simulated environment Description Describe the innovation...

Fail-operation clock synchronization methodology

Fail-operation clock synchronization methodology  Coordinated byTTTech Synchronization loss can occur due to many reasons, either because of a device or link failure or due to a targeted attack on the reference node, which supplies the corrected time to the network’s...

Time sensitive network simulation

Time sensitive network simulation  Coordinated byTTTech Simulate the real time communication for the distributed based on the Time sensitive network simulation. Additionally, simulate the fail-operation clock synchronization methodology. This simulation will validate...

Remote updating- upgrading of vehicle firmware

Remote updating- upgrading of vehicle firmware Coordinated byI-FEVS Securing remote and in-vehicle communications against cyber-attacks, possibly performed with quantum computers in the near future, is a major goal in the automotive sector. For such a purpose I-FEV...

Ontology Manager Tool

Ontology Manager Tool Coordinated byCNR Ontology Manager is a Framework responsible for managing the Core Ontology used in BIECO, called DAEMON. It aims to support organizing concepts and their relationships related to System of Systems (SoS), Internet of Things...

Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool

Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool Coordinated byUTC The Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool (VFT) provides historical vulnerability data and projections for time intervals of 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months for several major software components. Based on historical...

Failure Prediction Tool

Failure Prediction Tool Coordinated byUTC The Failure Prediction Tool (FPT) performs failure predictions by monitoring the logs of the applications that make up a system. It has a REST interface through which it receives in real time the log messages from the...


safeTbox Coordinated byIESE The pre-existing tool safeTbox ( has been extended to support interoperation with the ResilBlockly tool for combined safety and security analysis. Description Describe the innovation content of the result: A safety and...

Conditional Safety Certificates for ICT

Conditional Safety Certificates for ICT Coordinated byIESE Conditional Safety Certificates (ConSerts) have been applied to support resiliency of ICT infrastructures. Support for deployment and execution of ConSerts in ICT infrastructure according to use case needs was...