Monthly Wp3 meeting

Monthly Wp3 meeting

BIECO WP3 On November the 30th, it was taken the monthly Wp3 meeting. On it, it was updated the latest progress as well as future actions, and all WP3 members were coordinated in order to achieve the programmed objective.These advances were centered on both tasks T3.3...
WP7 monthly meeting M15

WP7 monthly meeting M15

WP7 monthly meeting M15 In the monthly meeting of 29th November, as part of T7.3 (Integration of the BIECO tools to instantiate the cybersecurity certification methodology) efforts, 7bulls created an early prototype design and implementation of security scoring...
25th Nov – ICT Gateway

25th Nov – ICT Gateway

In the meeting on the 25th of November, we have defined templates for specifying vertical abstractions of components interacting with the ICT Gateway. When fed with real-time data, these abstractions become digital twins that are predictively evaluated in a simulation...

A MDE Tool for Security Risk Assessment of Enterprises

A MDE Tool for Security Risk Assessment of Enterprises Authors: Enrico Schiavone, Nicola Nostro, Francesco Brancati Document type: Publication in Conference proceedings Publication: INDUSTRY TRACK – LATIN-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (LADC), 10. ,...

WP2 activities November

During November, WP2 partners have been refining the representations of data flows and component structures of the BIECO framework, which will be some of the core elements included in Deliverable 2.4. Even in the remote setting, interesting discussions have been...

WP5 meeting

In the meetings of November, the members of WP5 have fine-tuned the user interaction with the Auditing Component, part of the BIECO framework. Demo’s preparation is progressing with benefits from profitable and interesting discussions between WP5 members. Taking...
Presentation of BIECO’s project report at ICTSS21

Presentation of BIECO’s project report at ICTSS21

the 33rd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS) On 11th of November, Ricardo Silva Peres from UNINOVA presented a summary of WP2 in the Project Report of BIECO titled „The BIECO Conceptual Framework Towards Security and Trust in ICT...
NIST Bug Framework – BIECO taxonomy Sync

NIST Bug Framework – BIECO taxonomy Sync

On 16th of November we‘ve had the honour to synchronize on WP4 research activities with experts from NIST, INMETRO and Ericsson. Productive discussions with Irena Bojanova (NIST: ), Carlos Galhardo (INMETRO...
WP5 – Specification of the check Trajectory

WP5 – Specification of the check Trajectory

On 17th of Nov. we have deepened the specification of the check Trajectory function within the local planner of the robotic use case. This step brings us further towards creation of horizontal abstraction for the digital twin...

The BIECO presentation – video

The BIECO video presentation M12 Other results Extension of the Approach to the Communications within the Whole Supply Chain of the Microfactory Once the secure communication with a vehicle has been demonstrated for remote FW update, it is straightforward to extend it...
WP4 meeting

WP4 meeting

BIECO WP4 Within WP4 today we have explored the extent to which the ICT GW Use Case developed by RESILTECH within Net2DG project can accommodate runtime downloads of new functionalities and/or runtime....