Extended MUD file

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The extended Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) file is an extension of the MUD Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard. The MUD specification’s major goal is to limit the threat and attack surface of a certain IoT device by allowing manufacturers to establish network behaviour profiles for their devices. Each profile is built around a set of policies, or Access Control Lists (ACLs), that specify the communication’s endpoints. The extended MUD model addresses one of the main limitations associated with the MUD standard, which is the lack of expressiveness for the definition of access restrictions beyond the network layer. Indeed, the extended MUD allows to define application layer restrictions and more fine-grained aspects such as resources offered, limits on the number of communications, cryptographic parameters or known vulnerabilities. Moreover, within BIECO we also address the generation of this extended MUD from the design phase, integrating security recommendations as a result of a previous security assessment process.


Describe the innovation content of the result:
Extended MUD file, extending the MUD standard model to integrate more fine-grained security aspects.
Who will be the customer?
The customers are researchers, industry, consumers, public authorities, manufacturers, Conformity Assessment Bodies (Labs and Certification bodies), and National Schemes (NCCA).
What benefit will it bring to the customers?
Homogenized behavioral profile model based on a current standard to define security policies during design time to be applied during runtime, reducing the attack surface of the product and providing a guideline to detect misbehaviors through monitoring.
When is the expected date of achievement in the project (Mth/yr)?
Extended MUD by 08/2021 and generation from the assessment and usage of it for monitoring at the end of the project..
When is the time to market (Mth/yr)?
At the end of the project.
What are the costs to be incurred after the project and before exploitation?
The extended MUD will be ready for use without further investment after finishing BIECO but further research based on it will need to be framed on other innovation projects. Sources to secure these resources will be based on Research grants coming from actions like EU H2020 framework.
What is the approximate price range of this result/price of licences?
Open source
What are the market size in Millions € for this result and relevant trend?
How will this result rank against competing products in terms of price/performance?
Our profile is based on a standard, favoring its acceptance. Moreover, we do not only address the extension within BIECO, but also generation and usage, differentiating our result from our competitors.
Who are the competitors for this result?
Other existing behavioral profiles.
How fast and in what ways will the competition respond to this result?
We are estimating that creating similar solution will take at least one year.
Who are the partners involved in the result?
RES for automated generation of the extended MUD from the system model using Resilblockly tool. However, Manual generation is also possible. CNR for the integration of the MUD during the monitoring operation.
Who are the industrial partners interested in the result (partners, sponsors, etc.)?
Have you protected or will you protect this result? How? When?
Research publications at least after the extended MUD definition and at the end of the project.

Other results

Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool

The Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool (VFT) provides historical vulnerability data and projections for time intervals of 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months for several major software components.

Failure Prediction Tool

The Failure Prediction Tool (FPT) performs failure predictions by monitoring the logs of the applications that make up a system. It has a REST interface through which it receives in real time the log messages from the monitored applications.


The pre-existing tool safeTbox (www.safetbox.de) has been extended to support interoperation with the ResilBlockly tool for combined safety and security analysis.

Conditional Safety Certificates for ICT

Conditional Safety Certificates (ConSerts) have been applied to support resiliency of ICT infrastructures. Support for deployment and execution of ConSerts in ICT infrastructure according to use case needs was provided additionally.

SafeML based reliability assessment

In earlier work, a statistical distance-based measure (SafeML) is proposed for machine learning components. In BIECO project, we propose extension of it with the use of Statistical Distance Dissimilarity across time series to obtain SDD based reliability and robustness estimate (StadRE and StadRO).

BIECO Project

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