The 5th International Workshop on Software Faults
& The 3rd Annual International Workshop on Software Hardware Interaction Faults
The goal of the joint 5th International Workshop on Software Faults (IWSF) and 3rd Annual International Workshop on Software Hardware Interaction Faults (IWSF & SHIFT 2021) is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in various areas of software and hardware engineering to reason about the concept of faults, hardware-software interaction, and malicious behavior to share results, ongoing work, and foster collaborations.

Co-located with the 32th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021)
October 25-28
Wuhan, China (virtual)
Key notes
Mon Oct 25th, 13.00 – 13.10 UTC
Opening and WelcomeMon Oct 25th, 13.10 – 13.45 UTC
Keynote: Strong type systems, weak defenses? – The problem with function parameters and implicit conversions
Invited Keynote by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoltán Porkoláb, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary & Ericsson Hungary Ltd.
Mon Oct 25th, 13.50 – 14.10 UTC
Paper: KS-TCP: An Efficient Test Case Prioritization Approach based on K-medoids and Similarity
Jinfu Chen (Jiangsu University), Yuechao Gu (Jiangsu University), Saihua Cai (Jiangsu University), Haibo Chen (Jiangsu University) and Jingyi Chen (Jiangsu University)
Mon Oct 25th, 14.30 – 14.50 UTC
Paper: Input/Output Check Bugs Taxonomy – Injection in Spotlight
Irena Bojanova (NIST), Carlos Eduardo Cardoso Galhardo (INMETRO) and Sara Moshtari (RIT)
Mon Oct 25th, 14.50 – 15.25 UTC
Keynote: Constrained IoT Devices: A global approach (hardware/software) to secure embedded applications
Invited Keynote by Professor David Hely (The Grenoble Institute of Technology)