WP1 – Project Management

 Coordinated by


The aim is to ensure timely and efficient project execution, according to the budget and the overall project objectives. This includes, but is not limited to:
• Coordination of the technical activities and linking together all project components
o Proactive management of project plan, scope and objectives
o Tracking of Milestones, Deliverables, Reporting towards the Commission
•The overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management o Administration of Financial Management towards the Commission o Monitor relevant rules and regulations related to the project to be properly implemented o Handle IPR and Knowledge Management
• Maintaining communication within the project as well as with the European Commission


  • D1.1 Reporting towards the EU WP1 (1 – UNINOVA) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M18
  • D1.2 Project Quality Manual WP1 (1 – UNINOVA) Report Public M4
  • D1.3 Data Management Plan WP1 (1 – UNINOVA) ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot Public M6
  • D1.4 Update of Data Management Plan WP1 (1 – UNINOVA) Report Public M32
  • D1.5 Risk Analysis WP1 (11 – IFEVS) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M18
  • D1.6 Risk Analysis Final Report WP1 (11 – IFEVS) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M30
  • D1.7 Reporting towards the EU – Final Version WP1 (1 – UNINOVA) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M36


Ontology Manager Tool

Ontology Manager is a Framework responsible for managing the Core Ontology used in BIECO, called DAEMON. It aims to support organizing concepts and their relationships related to System of Systems (SoS), Internet of Things (IoT), and System Components management and Monitoring.

Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool

The Vulnerabilities Forecasting Tool (VFT) provides historical vulnerability data and projections for time intervals of 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months for several major software components.

Failure Prediction Tool

The Failure Prediction Tool (FPT) performs failure predictions by monitoring the logs of the applications that make up a system. It has a REST interface through which it receives in real time the log messages from the monitored applications.


The pre-existing tool safeTbox (www.safetbox.de) has been extended to support interoperation with the ResilBlockly tool for combined safety and security analysis.

Conditional Safety Certificates for ICT

Conditional Safety Certificates (ConSerts) have been applied to support resiliency of ICT infrastructures. Support for deployment and execution of ConSerts in ICT infrastructure according to use case needs was provided additionally.

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