WP3 – Vulnerabilities Management
Coordinated by
GRAD (M01-M30)
This work package has the following objectives:
- Analyze the state of the art to incorporate the latest advances in detection, forecasting and propagation of vulnerabilities
- Compile a representative dataset of software vulnerabilities, taking into account the data provided by BIECO’s use cases as well as from other public sources, and select the most representative features for an effective vulnerability detection process.
- Provide advanced tools to detect and forecast accurately vulnerabilities in ICT systems and components.
- Provide an advanced tool to analyze the propagation of vulnerabilities across the ICT supply chain.
- D3.1 Report on the state of the art of vulnerability management WP3 (5 – GRADIANT) Report Public M6
- D3.2 Dataset with software vulnerabilities WP3 (4 – UTC) Other Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M12
- D3.3 Report of the tools for vulnerability detection and forecasting WP3 (5 – GRADIANT) Report Public M18
- D3.4 Report of the tools for vulnerabilities propagation WP3 (5 – GRADIANT) Report Public M21
- D3.5 Updated Report of the tools for vulnerability detection and forecasting WP3 (5 – GRADIANT) Report Public M30
- D3.6 Updated Report of the tools for vulnerabilities propagation WP3 (5 – GRADIANT) Report Public M30
A comparative study of the most important methods for forecasting the ICT systems vulnerabilities
Authors: Ovidiu Cosma, Mara Hajdu-Macelaru, Petrica Pop-Sitar, Cosmin Sabo, Ioana Zelina
Comparison of Safety and Security analysis techniques
Authors: Emilia Cioroaica, Smruti Ranjan Kar, and Ioannis Sorokos
BIECO Runtime Auditing Framework
Authors: Antonello Calabro, Emilia Cioroaica, Said Daoudagh, and Eda Marchetti
Goals within Trust-based Digital Ecosystems
Authors: Emilia Cioroaica, Akanksha Purohit, Barbora Buhnova, and Daniel Schneider
Bridging Trust in Runtime Open Evaluation Scenarios
Authors: Emilia Cioroaica, Barbora Buhnova, Eda Marchetti, Daniel Schneider, and Thomas Kuhn
BIECO M12 Progress Meeting
BIECO M12 Progress Meeting Agenda 7-8th September 2021, 09:00- 15:00 CET Location: Teams – General Meeting Objectives: Check the progress statusAlign the work in all WP’sAlign the view of the participants with the vision of the project Attendees: Representatives of...