WP3 – Vulnerabilities Management

 Coordinated by
GRAD (M01-M30)


This work package has the following objectives:

  1. Analyze the state of the art to incorporate the latest advances in detection, forecasting and propagation of vulnerabilities
  2. Compile a representative dataset of software vulnerabilities, taking into account the data provided by BIECO’s use cases as well as from other public sources, and select the most representative features for an effective vulnerability detection process.
  3. Provide advanced tools to detect and forecast accurately vulnerabilities in ICT systems and components.
  4. Provide an advanced tool to analyze the propagation of vulnerabilities across the ICT supply chain.



Bieco WP8 – Kick off meeting

Bieco WP8 – Kick off meeting

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Bieco WP7 – Kick off meeting

Bieco WP7 – Kick off meeting

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WP6 monthly meeting M10

WP6 monthly meeting M10

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WP6 monthly meeting M9

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WP6 monthly meeting M8

WP6 monthly meeting M8

The 12th April took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting we discussed the technical alignment for the tasks T6.1 and T6.2 and the updates regarding the MUD integration in ResilBlockly. Furthermore RES presented the ToC of the deliverables D6.1 and D6.2....

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