WP4 – Development of Resilient Systems
Coordinated by
IESE (M01-M36)
In this WP, tools and methods will be developed for supporting creation of resilient systems w.r.t security attacks and vulnerabilities. The scope is to develop systems that can cope with behavior disturbances caused by malicious attacks, that manifest into a loss of control and can bring a system into hazardous situations. A resilient system shall be able to compensate for interruptions and get back into a safe state in case of emergency situations caused by malicious attacks. In this regard the system shall be able to autonomously and automatically construct awareness of its security in a dynamic environment, to recognize critical situations and to identify the right operational mode for remaining into a secure and trusted operational state.
Concretely, this work package has the following objectives:
- To develop methods and tools that enable runtime evaluation of system operational state in dynamic environments.
- To enhance existing tools that can predict failure propagation caused by malicious attacks and support the transition of an ICT system into a resilient state. Prediction is performed in a simulated environment by counteracting the capabilities of the system under evaluation to detect that it is under evaluation.
- To develop methods that during runtime bring a system into a safe, trusted state, making it resilient to malicious attacks.
- D4.1 Report on Self-checking of vulnerabilities and failures WP4 (7 – RESILTECH) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M30
- D4.2 Report on methods and tools for the failure prediction WP4 (2 – Fraunhofer) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M24
- D4.3 Report on Method development for resilient systems WP4 (2 – Fraunhofer) Report Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) M30
CSIS Conference 22-24 September 2021
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WP6 monthly meeting M13
The 6th September took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting the WP6 partners discussed their input towards the BIECO-wide workshop and IESE presented the status of T6.3. In the meeting, the WP6 partners discussed their input towards the BIECO-wide...
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WP6 monthly meeting M12
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WP6 monthly meeting M11
The 5th July took place the WP6 monthly meeting. The meeting’s main focus has been on tasks T6.2 and T6.3. Fraunhofer IESE described the current plan for the definition of mitigation strategies, which will involve the ConSerts and the Intrusion Tolerance...