WP7 – Security and Privacy Claims

 Coordinated by
UMU (M01-M12)


The main objective of this work package is to develop a security certification methodology combining risk assessment and testing to evaluate a system over a series of security and privacy claims based on objective metrics, allowing harmonisation and mutual recognition based on evidence that quantify the level of trust.

The specific goals of WP7 are to:

  1. Identify suitable security and privacy metrics and claims to evaluate the security and privacy of a system
  2. Develop a security certification methodology using the identified security and privacy metrics and claims.



Bieco WP8 – Kick off meeting

Bieco WP8 – Kick off meeting

On 11th May 2021, we had a remote Kickoff Meeting for WP8 of the European cybersecurity project @bieco_org. It was a great meeting with participants from Portugal, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain, Austria and Poland. Due to COVID-19 situation, the meeting was held...

Bieco WP7 – Kick off meeting

Bieco WP7 – Kick off meeting

On 13th October 2020, we had a remote Kickoff Meeting for WP7 of the European cybersecurity project @bieco_org. It was a great meeting with participants from Portugal, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain, Austria and Poland. Due to COVID-19 situation, the meeting was held...

WP6 monthly meeting M10

WP6 monthly meeting M10

The 7th June took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting we discussed further the integration of MUD standard in ResilBlockly and brought to the finalization of the design of three functionalities: MUD import, MUD specification and MUD extension and export....

WP6 monthly meeting M9

The 3rd May took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting the WP6 partners discussed the roadmap towards the finalization and delivery of D6.1. During the May’s monthly meeting, WP6 partners have discussed the roadmap towards the finalization and delivery of...

WP6 monthly meeting M8

WP6 monthly meeting M8

The 12th April took place the WP6 monthly meeting. During the meeting we discussed the technical alignment for the tasks T6.1 and T6.2 and the updates regarding the MUD integration in ResilBlockly. Furthermore RES presented the ToC of the deliverables D6.1 and D6.2....

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