WP8 – Integration, Pilots, and Validation
Coordinated by
HS (M09-M36)
This work package has the following objectives:
- Develop a cloud platform, according to the reference architecture of WP2, that host the verification and validation activities within BIECO, as well as the applications and datasets of the pilots.
- Develop the business case implementations.
- Provide a set of front-end applications for enabling the back-end services developed in the project.
- Establish a common integration, testing and verification strategy for the various software implementations of the BIECO framework.
- To test the BIECO framework and tools.
- To validate and verify the BIECO framework, consisting of platform, security tools and business case applications.
- To test and validate the use cases, both from the technological and business perspective.
- D8.1 BIECO verification and testing strategy WP8 (8 – HS) Report Public M12
- D8.2 BIECO Assessment methodology WP8 (1 – UNINOVA) Report Public M20
- D8.3 BIECO Assessment report WP8 (1 – UNINOVA) Report Public M36
Defining the behavior of IoT devices through the MUD standard: review, challenges and research directions
Authors: José L. Hernández Ramos, Sara N. Matheu, Angelo Feraudo, Gianmarco Baldini, Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Poonam Yadav, Antonio Skarmeta and Paolo Bellavista
BIECO Workshop – 2nd Day
M12 Workshop - day twoAgenda - Second day (08.09.2021) 09:00 – 09:05 Meeting Opening Review previous day agreements UNI/HS09:05 – 09:35 Video presentation - UTC09:35 – 11:00 BIECO Platform demo Common Platform Discussion: Design and Runtime Phase Tools’ Interaction...
The Challenges of Software Cybersecurity Certification
Authors: José L. Hernández-Ramos, Sara N. Matheu and Antonio Skarmeta
Basic aspects in redundancy-based intrusion tolerance
Authors: Felicita Di Giandomenico, Giulio Masetti (both ISTI-CNR Pisa)
A Survey on the State of the Art of Vulnerability Assessment Techniques
Authors: Eva Sotos Martínez, Nora M. Villanueva ,Lilian Adkinson Orellana
Data Based Message Validation as a Security Cornerstone in Loose Coupling Software Architecture
Authors: Oliviu Matei, Rudolf Erdei, Daniela Delinschi, Laura Andreica