In the monthly meeting of 10th January, WP7 is working on the security evaluation methodology that should be finished by next month. We are reviewing the details of the deliverable that will contain all the information about the methodology. Regarding T7.3, 7bulls continues to work on the integration of the different testing tools of the BIECO partners involved. Furthermore, the integration should now be adapted to the final version of the methodology.

The 10th January took place the WP7 monthly meeting. We are currently focused on D7.2, which contains all the steps of the security evaluation methodology developed within BIECO. The final version of the methodology was presented in the meeting, adding some features such as the definition of protection profiles to integrate the context variable or the usage of a visual label to show the evaluation results for non-expert users. As part of T7.3 we are working on the demo for the project review. For this, we selected 3 different security claims from T7.1 and we are modelling and defining the tests with Graphwalker to validate that the claims are fulfilled by system of the use case. Furthermore, the tool from 7bulls in charge of integrating the test results and performing the risk estimation will need to be updated with the last changes of the methodology.